
Showing posts from August, 2020
Justice will be blind to history, til wind swept leaaaves return to the barren tree. Nostradamus. C7q93.. JUSTICE WILL BE BLIND TO HISTORY UNTIL WIND SWEPT LEAVES RETURN TO THE BARREN TREE. QUOTATION NOSTRADAMUS. A BRIEF NOTE BEFORE I BEGIN THIS WEBSITE. The following website summarizes the relevant facts as well as mysteries this life presents unto humans properly. Mostly Through words, downloaded music options attached to this site, as well as through  attached videos and images. Located on this website. Thoroughly Likewise. In connection to c3q94 of nostradamus' s prophesies addressed to humanity obviously. In this existence. TO THE READER. And on that note let this be stated first. I, THE WRITER OF THIS WEBSITE HAVE  WRITTEN 3 THeSISES , which are, PRESENTLY LAYING  DORMAN